First batch of TetCon 2016 talks released tonight

Edit: talks are out. Congratulations to Ngo Anh Huy, Pham Tung Duong, Tran Minh Quang, Nguyen Van Long, Hung Dang, and Caleb Fenton!

We've finally come up with the first batch of talks, which will be released on as soon as I get home today (I'm at work and don't have access to the server.) The rest will be chosen and announced in a few days.

The talks are super interesting, some are very original, and I'm sure you will enjoy them all. All but one speaker are local, but what's made me most excited is I don't know most of them. Perhaps I've been too disconnected with the community -- I used to know most Vietnamese hackers -- but perhaps there is now a new generation with so many great hackers that it's impossible for anyone to know everyone. The new faces are young, speak English, work for big corps or consulting firms, and thanks to CTF games they can reverse engineer code, write exploits, hack web or break crypto. I have no doubt that in the years to come these comrades are poised to make great discoveries and make a name for themselves in the "Who's Who" of the world's best hackers.

We, as a community, have come a long way. If I remember correctly we had our first ever security conference in 2003. It attracted perhaps 100 people, and was held at Nha Van Hoa Thanh Nien. I was one of the presenters, but with all due respects to the organizers and all of my friends we were, or at least I was, lame. There were a few exceptions, but the rest of us frankly didn't really know what we were talking about. We took ourselves too seriously, but we didn't even know what we didn't know because we were too disconnected with the rest of the world. We still got to hack a lot of stuff, but we mostly used existing techniques or bugs without coming up with anything original ourselves. Nobody I knew except perhaps vicky or $$$ was actually trying to find new ways of breaking things.

We couldn't get to where we are today, without the pioneers of our community. In no particular order, rd, aquynh, lamer, phuong-ga-con, conmale, etc., have inspired me and my friends and their friends. I've learned a lot from them, and I'm grateful that they've shared with us the good stuff that they know. Thank you.

PS: the discounted tickets are selling pretty fast. I think we'll be sold out before the end of this week. Get yours now!

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