TetCon updates

I'm finally back from a long vacation, and now, as usual, going to rush to make a few updates and announcements with regard to TetCon 2016. Please forgive my bad organizing!

First and foremost, Vietnamese hackers, why don't you submit anything to TetCon? We've got only a handful of submissions so far, and most of them are from oversea researchers. BTW if you submitted in the past few weeks, you'll get a yes/no response within one or two days.

We can always send the CFP to Twitter, DailyDave, etc., and I'm sure we'll see a lot of good submissions. But we want to save the spotlight for the new bloods in our local community. We also want to see women researchers and those from other minority groups. So if you have an idea or have done something cool in the past year or so, please drop us a line as soon as possible! The program committee, cfp@tetcon.org, can help evaluate and improve your works.

Secondly, we'll move to a new venue. I've had troubles raising sponsorships, so we'll move to something more affordable. It's a brand new hotel along the Ben Nghe channel. Perhaps not as fancy as Majestic, but it's still a four star and has good reputation. Parking will be better too!

And finally tickets for conf and sign ups for training will be announced this week!

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